Thanks for the info, both are old boats, I can lend them Ricks book for a while not sure if they are keen enough to read it though. The mast section looks like my Nacra 5.8 mast without a comp tip, at least now I can take this info and tune the boats a bit for them. Would you know how soft is soft on the diamond wires for instance on the Nacra if you push on the diamond wires you can nearly touch the mast 18 inches from the base in heavy weather? If I tied a rope to the end of the trap and measured to the bridal tang where would the rope be at the rear hatch for proper rake?

Last edited by JeffS; 02/01/12 06:12 PM.

Jeff Southall
Current boats
Nacra 5.8 1703 Animal Scanning Services
Nacra 5.8 1667 Ram Raider
Nacra 18 Square
Arrow 1576