I make my soft shackles a little differently than Colligo. For one thing, I put a locking brummel in the sliding eye before tying the terminal knot. Colligo (at least in their instructional video) doesn't. Without the brummel, the knot will tend to pull out. That's why they have long leads between the knot and the exit (and why they suggest leaving the ends long when making the shackle yourself).
Secondly, Colligo (and most others) tie a knife lanyard knot (a.k.a. diamond knot) in the end. I prefer to make an 8-part button knot. Both are symmetric and appropriately sized, but I feel the button knot is prettier and more secure.
Colligo puts o-rings on the shackle to make it easier to milk closed. I don't. I looked into that, but customers told me that the o-rings tend to get pinched and break off anyway. So, I don't bother.
Both styles generally work and the differences are mostly cosmetic, but I think the locking brummel is a real advantage. Mine are less expensive too

I hope that helps,