Also, on the whole Wing sail thing, would it be 'doable' on a single handed boat like the A cat, or are there more strings to pull to tweek it, ie. more than the 3 the A cat skipper has to deal with now, Downhaul, outhaul, mainsheet, or would it require a second set of hands if you developed multiple 'flap' sections, segments, etc. Or are there mabye less strings, making it 'easier' perhaps?

I only got to see Ben's wing up close once, but it was pretty neet, my problem would be crash survivability, as we've seen in both the C's and the A/C 45's, when you fall on it, it's game over for the day, unless you've got a spare in the trailer box.

Still you're out for that race where as with our current sails, there's a pretty good chance you won't bust it if you do fall on it.

Blade F16