Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

So... the OA should lead and choose the most workable handicap system.

The rudder club should lead...

That ain't gonna happen Mark. We (cat sailors) are the outliers. Their handicap guy is overloaded as it is with trying to merge PHRF, Portsmouth, etc. into some sort of believable spreadsheet. It is called RCHS (Rudder Club Handicap System) and no one but he knows (or should know) how it works. That way it is hard to protest anyway.

Our Portsmouth numbers are only the base number and he has the ability to make WAG adjustments as he sees fit.

Having said that, word is that he is willing to make bigger adjustments for next year. That was the talk after the race anyway. The new lady Commodore wants this to happen.

It might be a good time for some well written letters to find there way to the Rudder Club.

Rudder Club of Jacksonville
8533 Malaga Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32244
904 264-4094
[email protected]

Jack Woehrle
Hobie Wave #100, Tiger Shark III
HCA-NA 5022-1
USSailing 654799E
Alachua FL/Put-In-Bay