Originally Posted by Mike Hill
Agreed Jake. Every boat is different. I have a different standard in a lake than in open ocean.

The decision has to rest with the PRO. He can take all the input he wants but ultimately it has to be his decision. PRO's that make poor decisions don't last very long.

Get an experienced PRO and it makes it work.

I hear a lot of talk about how there are lots of other factors other than wind strength that must be considered, but all the other factors mentioned so far seem pretty fixed. Everybody knows well in advance if the race is going to be in protected waters or open ocean, the course outline is a known value too as are the design limits of the boats (at least this can be found.) The only variable that isn't known until day of race seems to be the wind and possibly the quality of the crews?

It seems very reasonable for the NOR to have published wind limits. As in, "given the course outline, location and number of safety boats available, boats of class X will only start if wind is between A and B knots, class Y will only start if wind is between C and D knots..."

That way the PRO *is* making the call, but he isn't waiting until day of race to do it, and everybody knows what to expect.

Daniel T.
Taipan F16 - USA 213