I've only raced it sloop a few times, with Andi driving at 3 Tradewinds, but there were no Uni's in any of those regattas if I remember right, so it's really hard to compare if there are no top knotch Olympic Quality sailors racing it Uni, against some Sloops. That's what I would like to see.

Ever notice that the Alter Cup is ALWAYS sailed on Sloops?


I say next year, do it on F16 Uni's, and record some of the leg speeds/times, see how that compares to some sloop times. If you could develop a database with exact leg lengths and wind strengths, etc. you could then do a polar, see if the Uni Polar is any different from the Sloop.

The Uni configuration puts much more emphasis on the skipper's overall ability, to both steer and 'crew' the boat, whereas a good sloop team can be comprised of an average crew, if the skipper is top notch, and vice versa, but if you put a top notch skipper AND a top notch crew together, you're going to get killed, if you are Uni OR sloop!

Blade F16