I haven't done that many, but I've seen pretty much all conditions on either day...

The spin reach on the backside is a bit of a challenge getting your angles right. Not to mention those pesky lobster traps popping your rudders or snagging the boards.

And spin reaching with boards/rudders up across the flats (in traffic) does tend to increase the pucker factor. I think we flipped at the first flat with the spin up and had to slog out to the top of the mast to lift it up and right the boat. Dragged a lobster pot about 50 yards, too, trying to free the board.

I think the hardest was that nasty beat down Hawk's channel (finished about 18:30 hours) with the harsh westerly. My crew almost quit at Anne's Beach after our 1/3 mile slog pulling the boat in the thigh-deep mud to cross the finish buoy (literally) laying in the wet sand. Not just the mud, but that dang sea-lice crap that stung the snot out of us during the "Bataan Death March of shame". I think an ARC finished last and the tide had come back so they sailed right in...

The next day was upwind/reach in about 20 knots and cold cold COLD

Then there was that drifter year when Ricky quit on day 2. I think that was the same race where we finished well after dark on day 1 as well. Ricky was our "curb feeler" and hit the sandbar so we could steer around it.

But that's why we do this race... for the stories smile
