The Blade thread got me wondering... Out of the current F16s on the water, which is best for 1-up sailing? If that question is too controversial maybe we can discuss whether, or how different a boat optimized for 1-up sailing would be from a 2-up boat?
I'm especially curious about all the comments I hear about the more modern boats being able to handle heavier crews better, but I would expect that wouldn't be an issue for 1-up. Are the modern hulls, with their extra buoyancy a drawback for 1-up sailing?
I'd agree with the other posts that pretty much any EXISTING F16 can be fashioned into an effective solo-sailing boat - from the Taipan 4.9 to the latest Falcon, Viper, N16, etc.
A bit flatter sailplan and a mast that can bend to flatten out the main (for less drag - you don't need as much power since you're lighter than a 2-up boat). Maybe some tapered battens to help with that, too, if you're using a main cut for 2-up sailing (a deeper draft profile)?
Less daggarboard than a 2-up boat in the same conditions should reduce the excess heeling typical in a 1-up boat.
Downhill you may want to think of different sailing angles than your 2-up crew next to you. Or a different spin cut