Originally Posted by macca
CNC cutting a wood core is possible, you would need to have some recesses in the max chord area to allow the required uni fibres to fit in, there would be a lot of finishing work to do, but its certainly feasible.

As a rough shot, I reckon around 8 layers each side of 300gsm uni IM or HM uni fiber is pretty much the bulk of the structural part done. then you need some RC200 biax or similar to hold it all together and you are good to go... remember that this is for around a 1.8m long foil with similar dimensions as a wildcat foil. Oh, and you need plenty of sand paper if you are going to do it this way!!!

Also, the wildcat foil is around 17mm thick, and you will get a lot more strength if you made yours at 21mm or so, its a bit more drag, but its easier to build a strong foil at this thickness.

Thank you for the assistance, it is appreciated!

Scorpion F18