May 10 thru 15 is scheduled on the Tybee 500 web site for next years race ,{ only}6 or so months away . teams will need to start to get organized with ground crew and sailing team crew, a potential sponsor, safety equipement, gear- sails -logos team gear -,etc etc , maybe some extra badly needed practise {my case } .
{ looking again for crew and gr crew for 04}

Think there will be a number of new addition teams in 04 and a larger number of total team entries wanting to race in numerous classes of cats and hope we have some international teams again as well.-It was great to have AUS and GBR represented in the race. The Tybee Island organization put on a great event .
Having some charter boats available for teams traveling in would be a welcome addition also in 04 . Some with boats may wish to find crews etc -
Maybe Catsailor can designate a particular site for crew and boat info and connections along with the Tybee race organization.
We may see a new 20 available in O4 designed with this race in mind, {see earlier posts on this forum}
We will also see some different 20s with spin -snuffer systems along with the N-6/0S and I-20S entered again as per last years race .
The Arc 20 by Aquarious Sail-- { a 8.5 beam shortened Arc 21 }--would be a great cat design for this ocean race as well. It would be great to see some H-Foxes or H-20s -P 19S -Mystere 20 or other 20s or boats modified to 20s in the 04 Tybee 500.
-It would be fun and more ideal to race all the 20s in a 20 class in this type of racing often predominantly downwind in seas and out through large surf with spins flying.
Class racing is a much more easily understood form of racing {first across the line wins } and spectator friendly with media and those following the race {Catsailor reports and pics}.
The 20s could modify to equalize with basic similar Formula rules of equal length- beam -and sail area compensations to weight .
A new lighter 20 with larger sailplan and larger spin etc will have a huge advantage unless some basic rules to equalize boats are outlined that govern them for this type of distance race event to promote fair sailing both in class and for the ideals of sport.
L and B are established on 20s -limiting sail area to the I-20 main patterns or less within outline are simple, that leaves the standard spin at 270 for 390 weight boats and a larger spin for heavier boat types as per 6/0 with standard NA rig and sailplan. The other versions of 6/0 or any 20 could modify to match the I-20 class target model in sail area to weight .Compensator weight is also an option dependant on new designs and total boat weight .This would allow all 20s with 8.5 beam to enter.
This Formula option is much better suited to this type of race . The concept is to equalize boat design and specification while allowing limited improvement and development to increase speed and safety .
Just line up the various 20s and let em have at it for 120 miles at a time for 5 days often jumping and surfing off the backs of waves spin flying .
The Formula 18 Class --of Tigers -N F-18S -Mysteres etc will be a welcome addition to the 04 Tybee as well with a seperate start {going off the beach out through the surf first }for the Formula 18s in 04.
An added OPEN or unlimited cat class is also another optional suggestion for consideration for the 04 Tybee 500 with its own start latter with the 18s going off first ,-then the 20s ,--then the OPEN class with off the beach times of 9;30 10;00 and 10;30 -
Looking forward to another great distance race in May -
link to Tybee pics below - 500