Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

What world do you live in?

Yes it matters more then skill development! The piece of paper is how you get to the next step. It goes on the resume!

the assumption is that if you have the paper... you have "good enough skills" AND the "powers that be" have covered their butt because you have the papers.

I live in my own little troll world, but thanks for asking!

I was thinking along the lines of little ones (like under 10 years old) rather than the "youth" in general (which I guess would be up to 18 or 20 year olds).

Perhaps I'm too pragmatic, but I suspect the ratio of youth competitors and top level athletes is probably less than 1000:1

With that in mind, I would imagine it would serve any sport far better to focus on "fun-factor" over accolades for all but that 0.5% of truly gifted atheletes.

I respect our local High School football coach who firmly stated that while each player thinks they're the next NFL 1st round draft pick, it was likely that MAYBE 2 in the whole school have a chance at a full scholarship to a Division 1 college. Some may make Division 2, but most will end their football careers with graduation.

I hoped the kids take away the message that there is still fun to be had in the sport, and it's not worth killing yourself, cheating, or bad sportsmanship to get ahead given the remote chance for "success" (in terms of NFL play)

I would like to think that my future crew learn to enjoy sailing as a sport, a pastime, and a culture. Play hard, play fair, know the rules (and don't be afraid to enforce them), but don't leave the fun out of the equation.

I mean, really, who doesn't like to watch Ding pop a gasket when you lee-bow him (which, respectfully is getting less and less), or Karl (the first) get all stoic when his spin pole looks like the letter L, or watching the rise of JC & Sarah, having raced with them so often in the past?

Who hasn't had a really sweet leg, race, regatta that they'll remember the rest of their lives (even if they never won anything)?

Sailing's so far beyond just buoy racing, but we tend to focus our effort there. Perhaps too much?

Jeeze I sound like some tree-hugging, berkenstock wearing liberal. I need to go clean my guns
