Hi Guys, thanks for your interest and compliments.
Peter, ASC open day is a wish, shall contact you if I don't make it.
Matt, Aldebaran is the name of a star, the brightest (magnitude 1) in the constellation Taurus, The Bull. It is clearly visible in the summer sky, west of the Big Dipper, (Orion the Hunter). Can show you at the nationals as the viewing in the country away from city-light pollution is awesome.
Ross, if I let on how much better A6 is compared to A5 no one will won't to buy Aldebaran 5. But just so I don't create any turbulence I'll keep you informed.

Simon & Damo, thanks.
Damo, How's that new boat coming along. Got the timber decks on yet?
Pirate, thanks for the coaching, shall post more photos when time is free.