looks like its going to happen.

Item No: 13.

Development of XL sails. There was a suggestion from USA, and then supported by Holland, that there ought to be “larger sails for larger sailors”. We have done considerable number of emails and surveys in US on this subject and the Council needs to consider the development for final decision.

The final summary is that :

Crews 175 kg and over can sail with standard mainsail, a jib of 4.5 sqm OR 4.6 sqm, and a spinnaker of 23 sqm.

IT was thought better not to have rules on jib or spinnaker cuts but to leave that to individual sail makers.

The XL sails cannot be used in any National or International regatta for a trial period of TWO years.

The serious message must go out that this is NOT a rule change, but an addition to the weight category and does not effect the rules in any way.

There was concern that some sailors under 175 kg would buy these sails for long distance and handicap racing, therefore breaking one of the Guiding Principles for F18 sailors, that we don’t have different handicaps for F18 boats.

We are still awaiting final technical information, concerning the sailing characteristics and likely performance data, which will be forwarded shortly.

C2 AUS 222 by Goodall design
"Darph Bobo"