No one doubts that athletic performance is fundamentally tied to one's intrinsic biology determined by your genes. Obviously men and woman differ with X an Y chromosomes making up the 23rd pair. So, their athletic performance will differ. We ARE egalitarian... we support Mens and Woman's events...

OPEN multihull with the right equipment would be egalitarian, eg. sailors are sailors...

Mixed Multihull with the right equipment is what sex is driving... what sex is crewing....what about muslim countries... Gee, what other Olympic events (that are not performance art) are mixed.... Settling for Mixed multihull was a short sighted mistake!

The bottom line, the OCR's prove that the intrinsic US Sailing tradition is simply not strong enough or deep enough in the new high performance disciplines to get you up to world class performance standards quickly ...
20's in the 49FX and Teens in the N17s
US Olympic understood that it could be an 8 year effort to get there. AND... It's not going to be easy!

I suspect we would be much more enthusiastic about the future if we saw 20 junior teams at F16 youth champs and another 40 youth teams around the country trying to get to youth champs or ISAF world selection events.. ditto for 29ners!