Been looking at this reply for a couple of days now and I'm convinced it was intended as a reply to this thread and not the square-top thread as such....
firstly, if u want this to work with the the older boats, push them to a regatta with us. I have 5 others at my club and for years ive been trying to get them to come but they only want to sail at the club, there are 55 measured boats on the register so why we only get 35 at nationals? there are boats stored everywhere, we need them out and sailing. why do they hold them.... who knows its a good class not to get rid of the boat.
the clothing has been talked about with an online shop. with photos and all.
The 65+ was waved in the last 2 years as the amount of heavy boats has dropped big time in the last 5 years.
All Mossies should come to SAUNA SAIL and out doo the other classes. big winter event. we have had 24 one year.
Pirate....should sail your boat to get numbers up. Thanks for the photos but why didnt u sail the states? Sail = more fun more mossies on water.
I have been pushing mossies or a few years now habd have got a few into mossies. and still we p**s the other cats off cos we still beat them on a classic boat.
any inquires about the web site speak to Tim S, hes the web site guy.

so I'll answer it thusly....
firstly, if u want this to work with the the older boats, push them to a regatta with us. I have 5 others at my club and for years ive been trying to get them to come but they only want to sail at the club, there are 55 measured boats on the register so why we only get 35 at nationals? there are boats stored everywhere, we need them out and sailing. why do they hold them.... who knows its a good class not to get rid of the boat.
I'm seeing the same thing, the owners of the older girls seem happy to play in their own backyard and not too much further, as to how to encourage them to take the next step and go to other races is something we need to explore and change .
the clothing has been talked about with an online shop. with photos and all.
definitely needs a few photos

The 65+ was waved in the last 2 years as the amount of heavy boats has dropped big time in the last 5 years.
does anyone know why.......
A/ they stopped coming ???
B/ why the "+65 class" as such was waved ????
this needs to be reversed and an 'even-footing' handicap put in place & then maybe the old girls might come back

No-one wants to last but for me personally I'd hate to say
gee that looked like close racing all you guys had while I chased everyone around a leg or 2 behind, some way of keeping it "even" would go a long way in encouraging more older boats to attend in my opinion.
All Mossies should come to SAUNA SAIL and out doo the other classes. big winter event. we have had 24 one year.
Agreed..... its on my list of must do's
If we change our promotion side of it to more along the lines of a mozzie meet-up / rally / get-together and the emphasis is more on the social aspect & learning about boat setup than the racing side, could we use it as a once a year rally event and get more attending ????
Pirate....should sail your boat to get numbers up. Thanks for the photos but why didnt u sail the states? Sail = more fun more mossies on water.
I had every intention of going, sadly it all unravelled on the Friday, leaving me at home with the 2 young kids until lunchtime on the Saturday, it was easier to sail at Warrnambool in the afternoon than to rush to Portarlington and not get a race in, basically I had zip chance of getting off the bottom of the ladder from the get-go.
Sunday's decision to take the camera over the boat was based on the same theory, If I had any chance of NOT coming dead last I had to do every race and not stuff up and let others around me get a DNF or DNS .....
good theory in practise.... but....
In hind-sight it was a bad decision, I should have made the effort and although been a very late arrival on the Saturday I would have gained far more from the knowledge base that was there than the casual conversations that I did have, nothing like standing next to the boat and having the problem pointed out (most would have just waved an arch around TwiceShy's area)

In all honesty there was also a reasonable amount of
fear of the unknown, it was probably the main reason I went for the camera and not the boat...... If the state tittle was this w/end ..... I'd be going come hell or high water...... preferably the high water
I have been pushing mossies or a few years now habd have got a few into mossies. and still we p**s the other cats off cos we still beat them on a classic boat.
Having seen the actual performance of the more current Mozzie over the old girls, I can hardly wait to finish Jurassic Karp and get in the mix !!
I've had a ball so far with TwiceShy and she's been fantastic to re-learn all that I'd forgotten over the years away from the sport, my highlights since I've been back on the water has been beating 2 tiapans and 2 mozzies at local club races recently, I'm getting better every time I hit the water and hopefully the transition to Karp will be far easier when the time comes

any inquires about the web site speak to Tim S, hes the web site guy.
Sweet, I'll get a PM off to him over the next few days and see what we can do about the Portarlington photos for starters
thanks for you input Matt