Ah... Reciprocity... those were the good ol days!

Back Back Back in the day... Yacht Clubs were exclusive monolithic organizations... they did not extend racing privileges to other clubs... They were excellent capitalists (not going to give away racing privleges) .. All of the WASPs... in the club to the right... All of the working men in the club to the left... ETC. Yachting was a gentleman's sport and it reflected the times... Eventually, YRA's were born to foster the Reciprocity between Yacht Clubs. OMG... it was commutarian but it carried the day. Racing was open to members of the YRA member clubs. Still for "elite" Yacht Clubs... the most they would do was to open up the racing circuit... BUT only grant reciprocity privileges to their exclusive peer YCs. (We can meet on the battlefield but not in our clubhouse). Evolution changed the looks of the American Yacht Club and racing scene.

It would seem that we have a bit more RE evolution needed in the catamaran world. But as with all evolutionary process... the risk is EXTINCTION.

What gets overlooked in the theory of evolution... is the need to BREED to pass on the good genes... Take a look around.... Most of the fleets breeding days are OVER... So... you can continue trying to EAT the other classes in a survival of the fit competition... however... you are a day late and a dollar short in the evolution game.... the certain end result is extinction.
