every now and them I get a bit bored with the repetition of some of the destruction and I tend to re-focus on a specific area until I'm happy with what I'm seeing. smile

One of the several areas that need extra attention has been worrying me a bit, the Bolac Hole.... so for a spell I worked on it just to satisfy my concerns.
With the damaged bits cut away it doesn't look so bad but there's another issue that's beginning to rear its ugly head and this problem is throughout the boat and undoutably will cause me grief in the not to distant future......

The hulls are damp, and there's bits I can actually squeeze and draw moisture from, drying this old girl out is going to be hard but its got to happen somehow.... resin and wet plywood don't stick together well

[Linked Image]

Yar, & this ere post be done without a sin'le drop o' rum passin' me lips

started with Impara Cadet #3 / Mosquito #245
& now Mosquitos #1182 & #1740