What a great venue and a fanstastic sail! You can find the results on the Juana's Facebook Page:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Juanas-Pagodas-and-Sailors-Grill/164977120863The distance race on Saturday was everything a spin boat team could ask for. An efficent (VMG) upwind fetch to pensacola and a double trapped spin reach home. Even Mr. Doug (Blade1) took a break half way home so they could sail the rest of the way with Sweetness and me. Yes I did see your "oh sh!t", nice save by the way.
Mr. Smith had an idea about starting the spin boats on the outside and finishing us on the inside... kind of an RTI lite. It would be a bit more of a hassle for the OA but what a nice add. Of course it's only fun if there is company. Regardless of where Saturday is run I'm in! We're not driving home Sunday though, what a freaking drag!
Oh and about my brother... the little sh!t didn't even offer me a ride on his shiny new toy. I also need to find out why he spells his name funny.