I was glad to see some of the guys that were there in the CMA Days, off Leeside Park. The weather backed down and allowed for the fleet to enjoy the standard course.

For the details tack over to http://www.thebeachcats.com/news/419/2014-round-the-island-fwyc/ Thanks go to Damon Linkous and the Beach Cats. The Nacra Olympic 17 team (Sam Ingham & Casey Gilmore) were the race winners. This a great sign since they are with the USCG.

I hope the sailors enjoyed the GPS training required to target all the waypoints/mark roundings and passings (approx 13 - 15).

Steve Dowell said there used to be just one mark. Then he pointed at the island on a chart. Modernization or yacht clubbing? Go figure.

This race has been in a planning stage for too long, and it has reminded me of what Mark Twain once said about the weather; "Everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything about it."

I pray early planning and promtion prevail and there is a non - spin launch for Hobies and older designs off the Ramada Inn, at the same time as the spin start off the yacht club or Leeside Park. How about another Bill Grady or Tommy Garner style cookout, or a selected spot on the beach for Friday evening business and frolic.

Randy had ideas on including an "Everglades Challenge" style Division as well, when the planning committee last met, and I was 'relieved' for not being a yacht club member. I joined the yacht club, and the new fleet captain saw no need to finish the planning we had already accomplished. Oh well, as Kurt Vonnegut says; "So it goes."

The Race can be made real ... especially with all the new toys out there. Maybe one day ... but not by souls who are not wholly committed to the cultural quest and journey. Pride cometh easy, not!