sssssh.... a us sailing conspiracy? really?

People Volunteer to do the job....(it is thankless) When you look at US situation with respect to new cat designs... plus all of the modifications to one design boats and the very very small number of qualified buoy races that give you data... You have to make a decision. Does it work? Is it transparent? is it fair?

How far can you stretch the rules of the PN system?...

We have been making **** up for years AND... no one design fleet wants to take on getting data on their class relative to the yardstick boats. So.. Do you continue just making up new ratings.... AND wind adjustments.... just because you take a SCHRS rating and now GUESS what the US dpn rating should be is not a solution to the problem.

If the OA wants to do that... nothing will stop them.... just don't ask the US PN committee to participate in the flim flam to cover your butt.. You don't get the seal of approval when you want to race your N17 against an F18 fleet.

So... It is quite responsible to say.. .. ... Nah... it is better to preserved the rating tables for the boats (dinghies and cats) that data exist for. Clubs can use the data and pn system as designed... or they can change and make up their own table or pick a different system.

I have been telling you that the system for cats was BROKEN... not repairable and cat fleets should move on for over 5 years.


The PN committee is just preserving the integrity of the tables as designed.