instead of ice bucket (yawn), do a video of them twirling around the rum keg and then trying to race off through an obstacle course AT THE AWARDS PARTY. Nothing dangerous.. just run or hurdle some inflatable marks, pool toys, hanging rafts, etc. That's much more Youtube worthy

and it MUST BE POSTED (keep the course under 1 minute and make sure they have to do a LOT of twirling first - don't ask me how i know this... please).
Set up a fund for each "victim" or team entry in the 300+ event. The team who ends up with the most donation $ has to "run the gauntlet" (of course, all monies collected go to the event, regardless of who 'wins' and has to run the course).
So, Brett will tell all his folk to 'donate' to Ding's bucket (so he has to run) and vice versa.
If the fund balances are posted regularly, the front-runner is motivated to get his/her fan base to contribute to someone else so they don't have to "win"....
Kind of like reverse psychology?