It has been a long but enjoyable journey from the purchase of the plans.
Lots of friends have been there to help me along the way.
First mention has to be Ian Farrier for supplying such detailed plans and endless support over the years.
My wife Terri who does not even sail. I could not have built this boat without her support along the way, and with significant input regarding the aesthetics.
Mark with his CNC machining, laminating and radical ideas to push the envelope to produce a more refined end result.
Jack was always available when I needed a hand laminating and offering practical advice based on experience from his own boat build.
Peter, along with many of the guys that I ride with, when a big job was on or I needed to move hulls around.
Richard, either by lending me specialised tools or borrowing them from someone.
Florin, with his CAD skills to help work stuff out just to make things easier, not to mention flying 19,000km to work for 6 weeks, 7 days a week, 10 and 11 hour days to get the boat on the water. All just to see it sail.

Yes, the boat is now on the water. Still lots to do to finish her off but she does float and does sail.
Following next couple of posts are just going to be pics.

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Last edited by phill; 06/03/16 07:08 PM.

I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!