Originally Posted by fast energy
Hi All
Just a question that probability has been done over and over.
in regrades to boats with full bow volume .
is this a benefit and just because i am thinking out cutting up my boat 1831 to try to achieve more bow volume like the fay style or would it be more beneficial to go to the extreme of the class rules.
and due to my boat being a Boyer molded boat would rocker have any thing to do with it .
sorry for asking these questions as i would like some help on this because i just don't know.

Hi Brett, it's a combination of fullness and rocker, don't know of any Mossies that have been cut to make fuller shape more rocker. It's not something I would try, remember some sailors on Boyers still beat many sailors on newer hulls. Speed in a straight line is much the same it's only the faster steering that makes the difference around the course, faster tacks, gybes and buoy roundings. When it comes down to it, experience and practice makes the most difference, he who makes the least mistakes wins.