Sail6000, while I do whole-heartedly agree with you that two divisions of this class may be the best way to keep the wildly different eras/designs from having to compete with each other, I think that is something that can wait until this class is truely established. I think you'll find the vast majority of the F14 class will be made of just these boats you speak of, especially this early in it's conception.

First, let's find out how those H14Ms really compare against the Mysteres, Waves, Tracs, and (evenutally) Blades. When we have a good variety of boats competeing on the same course we'll really be able to see where the "dividing line" might lie. Then we as a class of F14 sailors can bring up the debate of wether or not to race with divisions and if so, what those divisions should be.

Another thought is personal handicapping. Where the skipper earns a handicap rating due his skill level. I have heard of this system being used by some yacht clubs but have no first-hand experience with it.

Either way, I'd really like to see all F14s share the same start and race as one class, eventually with different trophies awarded in each division.

G-Cat 5.7M #583 (sail # currently 100) in Bradenton, FL Hobie 14T