Hi Terry and Gary,
The Hooter has non-stretch line in the luff, and yet is still very lightweight -- eased off it sails like a spinnaker luff.
Gary, I think the big ticket here is the feeder on the furler and small line that won't overlay. And be sure that when you let the furler line out to utilize the sail that you don't have a bunch of line dangling all over the place. You should put a stopper knot in the furler retreiver line so that it won't do that.
I also have enough furler retr. line to reach it from anywhere on the boat. In heavy air I will be on the back of the boat and want to be sure I can douse in a hurry.
Never had the problems you guys talk about except the first time. After that, used the furler with a feeder.
Oh! And another big mistake -- the furler drum MUST be secure and not be able to swivel. Use a solid shackle, not one with any swivels.

Good fortune,