>No proof is given till now, only accusations, again this is a dangerous point
<br>Nato, Soudi, and most other nation's leaders have told news agencies they've seen the proof and found it convincing. All this before the bombs started.
<br>>Also the USA not beside the international law.
<br>Agreed. We haven't violated any laws.
<br>>And USA is trying to influence reporters and reports which is now awfully close to the borderline of pressured sensorship.
<br>Please substantiate your allegations or refrain from making them. As for trying to spin the story, in case you haven't been paying close attention to the news, *every* newsmaker tries to see the story told their way. AP and Reuters stories about events inside Afghx continually repeat that reporters aren't allowed into that country, and the indigenous ones can't move freely. Don't even mention censorship and this country in the same breath w/out much more proof than you've offered.
<br>>So I have no need to comment really, for my ealier comments are still correct.
<br>Your earlier comments, AS I MENTIONED, have been rebutted piecemeal and individually. You've ignored those rebuttals, and then here assert that your points are correct?! Wouter, this is the height of arrogance!

Sail Fast, Ed Norris