Hey guys!

Just got my computer back up and running! I don't know what happened; it would shut itself down when booting
Anyway, I looked at Mike's email and the 4.3/Wave method of measuring the mainsail. I see girths and leech/luff numbers but no sail area calculation. We have to keep in mind this is a "any configuration" class which means you could have a very small mainsail, huge jib and a bigger spin/reacher! What I propose is a small get together at Spring Fever and gather ideas about how we can calculate sail area. I will get with Sabre and bring a sailmakers' method for calculating main/jib/spin-reacher areas.
I knew this would eventually come up and didn't want to get too complicated before we even hit the water. Baby steps as they say!



"The election is over, the talking is done, Your party lost, my party won. So let us be friends, let arguments pass, I’ll hug my elephant, you kiss you’re a $$.”
Liberalism = A brain eating amoeba & a failed political ideology of the 20th century!