I don't know the area of the Hooter--I knew it when I bought it, but I just can't remember. It is the same as Bob's, so he might be able to tell you. I really just ordered it and had Sabre sails dictate the size. I have two of them now and I'm very pleased with both of them.

If you want a jib, I am putting an order in for new ones this week. I meant to do it last week, but I was pretty busy with work. The deal is that we can get brand new jibs for $225 each (plus shipping). I have 6 14s that I am planning on using for some kind of Thursday night series and I am converting them all to Turbos. Seems like people don't want to sail a boat unless it has a jib. If you want in on the group deal, let me know as soon as you can. Email me at [email][email protected].[/email]

Also, on the boats with Hooters, I have to rig them as Turbos because they will be part of the turbo fleet. I'm not planning on racing them with jibs, though. I rigged them like little 18s so that the jib not only can be raised with a halyard, but can furl, too. To make this work, I am getting two of the new jibs made with zippered luffs. I have the other turbos rigged like little non-furling 16s, but the adjuster sticks out and would rip the hooter. That is why I went the furler route on the other two. Just another option..

Dan Berger
Norfolk, VA
A Cat USA139
Supercat 15