Hello All,
I am wondering WHY it is presented as ________ OR _________.

Due to the obvious speed, hi-tech, excitement, global attraction,....on and on and on.......why not have TWO ( or more) multihull classes in the Olympics?

It if a fair statement that there are MORE THAN 1 monohull class in the Olympics,...so, what gives here?

I suggest opening up the multihull classes,, for example;

- Tornado / Spin ( all genders)
( because it is a proven winner)
- H-16 ( men and women divisions)
( ..there is a zillion of them out there)
- Uni w/spin, solo ( open to all genders)
(..FX-1, A Cat, T 4.9, Stealth,I-17 ...on and on)

....wouldn't that be interesting

Why not?


St. Croix

Because then all those 1/2 boat sailors (and members of most important decision making bodies) would get a upset !

And they would also find out how much fun Cats are

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

I also talk sport here