
I am not sure what the view of the 16 is in Europe (Wouter et al)

I think everybody can guess by now what the situation in the Netherlands is.

No Hobie 16 class racing to be really proud of; a shadow of its former self. No youths racing the H16 let alone a spinnaker. As far as I can tell they either go for the F18 or are sailing a smaller boat like the Nacra Blast in the open class.

France is KL15.5 / SL15.5 country

Germany still has some H16 racing or at least used to some 3 years ago. I don't think Italy and Sspain every really got on the H16. Some H16 sailing in the Scandinavian countries because their is only a Hobie dealorship network there.

Youngsters these days are not thrilled when they see a H16. Here in NL it was king together with the Prindle 16 in the days during the late 70's and 80's. With easily a 100 boats at bigger events. Now Prindle 16 is dead as a class and has been for several years and in some regatta's the entlisted P16's outnumber the H16's even when the H16's are regarded to be a thriving class in some corners. This should show you were to put the H16. Still have a somewhat decent turn up at Texel because alot of tour sailors grap their H16's and enter this "race". This is were all the old boats are going to recreational sailors that only sail at their clubs and enter a race once or twice a year for the fun. It is also what is keeping Prindle 16's coming to events. These recreational sailors don't really care which class has an active cirquit they just want an inexpensive boat they like.

So the bigger picture is that these older class are kept somewhat alive by recreational sailors that happen to have one of these. But this is not sustaining the classes, with each destroyed boat the class decrease in size. When a boat sustains some considerable damage it is often better to just leave it and buy another cheap second hand one. I think abouut 4 teams in NL seriously the Hobie 16 and are considered to be top sailors; this is a number far below what it used to be.

I think that the Hobie 16 (as the P16) should be respect for what it ones was and given an honourable retirement. I don't see much point in whipping grand dad up to compete with the newest young kids on the block (F18's etc). It will only prolong the agony. Even ISAF recognized this. And they are in a ivory tower in my opinion.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands