
If you had to decided between selling 2000 boats in 5 years with a last year decline of 25 % (but still sell 300) or selling 574 boats in the same period with a upturn of 76 % in the last year (peaking at 202 boats) what would you choose ?

I'd choose the boat that sold 150,000 and is on the up!
The only sales figures I can find support the H16 as the best selling boat, please prove me wrong, and its popularity is on the up for what ever reason.

Remember that F18 covers a multiple of manufacturers and models.

I like all cats, F18's, F16's A cats are all great boats, but [color:"red"] my [/color] favourite is the H16 as that is what I and all my buddies sail, I would not call any cat slow. Remember the speed difference between your "Hot" F16 and a 30 year old 150kg H16 is no faster than I can crawl.

Yes there are lots of faster boats but they ain't much faster, certainly not enough to give me an extra adrenaline rush. If you get a kick out of sailing 2mph faster than the next guy then good luck to you.

But I can't see what's so wrong with a H16 as a youth boat, its available all over the world so it has to be the most accessible multihull, and thats what counts in my book. I know we need to move on in technology. But until another company is able to support the youth program properly like Hobie does why change.

Why do some people insist on knocking other peoples boats? Wouter your support of your class is commendable but comments like
I think that the Hobie 16 (as the P16) should be respect for what it ones was and given an honourable retirement. I don't see much point in whipping grand dad up to compete with the newest young kids on the block (F18's etc).

are just juvenile.