Before I start I wish to make it clear this is not a personal attack on anyone or any class.

I have noticed this debate has got right off what it was originally started and that was the ISAF Youth MULTIHULL boat and the future of this boat.

What I have seen is some very poor attacks on people which are always disappointing. So I thought I would do a psychological analysis.

What I have seen is certain people always attack the strongest class and try and bring it down to their level. They use allsorts of wonderful statistics to prove their case. It is referred to as “Tall Poppy Syndrome”. When one poppy gets to tall the others attack trying to bring it down to their level. They don’t try and reach the others level they try and bring the other one down.

When you analyse the message board you see exactly that occurrence and especially in this thread. You have alleged experts that have no real sailing class attacking the stronger class. These experts bombard message boards claiming to have knowledge and a strong class when I fact they don’t. Through sheer numbers of messages they try and convince people of these facts in also in turn they start to believe their own messages. This tactic is also used by marketing companies to promote new products. Saturate the market with the name and everyone thinks it is popular and creditable.

What would be interesting would be to hear from the youth and parents of youth sailors (without the expert’s comments) how this decision of ISAF to announce a new boat after 2007 when it is untried and not readily available word wide affects them.