Well Stated Jeff.
The big point is we can't show the world that the F-16 class exists without boats showing up at events.
Sorry about the LAWN ART post it was meant as a tongue in cheek Challenge to get the F-16's out and sail.
Just for Clarification, we have yet to get approval from the F-18 participants about this, but we do not expect any problems. We know all the F-18 fleet well, We anticipate they will take this as a challenge and opportunity for comparison of boat performance. We also assume this will either validate the F-16 claims of similar performance to the F-18 Class boats or invalidate them. We hope to set a precedent for future cooperation between the classes at local events, at least in terms of being able to share the same courses. There is no reason we have anticipated that the F-18 sailors would not agree, but we will respectfully honor their preferences.
Team SEACATS www.teamseacats.com will be sailing with almost all the TW F-18 Participants tommorrow, and should have an answer then.

ACAT XJ Special
C&C 24