We are looking into the idea, but the last time we did found that the cost would not be worth it.
And, everyone owns a VHS player, but not everyone owns a DVD player. A good example, Mary and I just bought our first DVD player last week because our office manager was in a Christmas Play and was the lead singer. She gave us a DVD of it and were embarrased to not be able to watch it.
She forced us into the mod world! <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />
Guess the point is that by combining them on a DVD will not open up a whole new market for us.., the market will still be the same.
However, we are looking into the DVD idea again, but it may be a while.
One problem with DVDs is the pricing. The production of the 5 videos was so high we still have not even reached the break even point with the VHS version. If we put them all on one DVD, everyone would probably expect them to be the price of one VHS. <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
Using 20:20 rear vision, we should have put all into one video. However, it would not be nearly as good and thorough as doing the five videos:
1) Total Boat Handling
2) Doing Great Mark Roundings
3) Having Great Starts and Understanding Finishes
4) Sailing Upwind and How to do A Cat Rolltack
5) Downwind Sailing, Spinnaker/Hooter Use, Wildthing, etc.
I don't see how we could have done a good job of combining all of that into a 45 minute VHS. In fact, I think it would be impossible.
The only way we could have done so would be to cut a lot of important information out of them.
Anyway, I hope you can see our problem.
Thanks for asking,