
Hans is right, his methode works well also. I used his methode for while before I moved on to my own.

There are indeed only two steps to that methode, in that respect it is very simple, however the fun part to throw a line over the spreaders, twice ! (From back to front and front to back). You do get handy at it after a while but still.

Anyway I had personally all those other lines to tie away anyway, like mainsail halyard and spi halyard, that I moved on to using those to stabilize the mast. And that worked as well, saving me the "line over spreaders' thing.

Note however that if you don't have a mainsail halyard (as in push up miansai) that then Hans methode is the only one you can use !


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands