Sail as much as possible on anything. I spent my late elemtary-early high school years (pre chicks) riding my bike 12 miles a day to a marina where my boat was and sailing every day on a little Butterfly scow. That more than anything improved my skills.

I know you're a little too busy to sail all the time, so train your boday and your brain. You already dream about sailing, but visualize how the boat moves through the water and what the sails look like every possible time you can. It makes the actual event second nature. Go over scenarios in your head and believe it or not you come up with some pretty good answers yourself. Talk to your sailing team about situations a lot too. Also, picture yourself kicking some butt. That always makes me train that much harder. I read all of Buddy's books, Bethwait's, Stewart Walker's, DC's, North U (weather, tactics, etc.). Run, walk, hike, ride bikes (any cardio), emphasize abs, back (lower back too) and biceps in your overall workout (and your neck since you're doing the tybee:-) If you train your body, your brain will begin to really take over; it's 75% mental on the water.

Last edited by JHC; 01/20/06 12:00 PM.