Then you think that listing brand names in the overall results complies with the rule as long as you don't list separate results for Brand A, Brand B, and so on? If that were the intent of the rule, why have it at all?

Les, I don't think it complies or does not comply, because I don't think it has anything to do with that rule at all.
The way I read it, the rule is very clear -- don't separate out classes within the Formula 18 class and rank sailors separately for each type of boat. That would be completely counterproductive to the purpose of a Formula class.

Without that rule, people could say, "This Formula class is just a bunch of one-design classes that are racing together boat for boat, and we all want to maintain our one-design status and have rankings within that one-design class, even though we are racing as Formula for these particular events."

If you go to the International Formula 18 web site, you will find at least 15 different brands of boats listed as eligible to race as Formula 18's. It would be ridiculous to separate them all out and list rankings according to manufacturer and then according to brand within that manufacturer.

So, the Formula 18 rule makes perfect sense in that context.

Last edited by Mary; 02/01/06 03:13 PM.