Footstraps are simple rope inside clear plastic tubing. On aft hull, I simply drilled holes through outer lip of the hull, threaded rope through and tied a knot. You have to pull tight on the rope when doing the second to make sure, when you're done, you don't have a foot strap with more rope than tubing.
On the side beams, I riveted two eye-straps (one for each end of the foot strap) and again simply threaded it through and tied a knot. I have a total of four on each side - one aft on hull and three on side beam.
In medium to strong winds I must say the foot straps are a MUST with the H16. Completely different feel - you're more "attached" to the boat and much more able to ride through ups/downs and stops/starts.
I've had no problem with this simple design as outlined in the Hobie catalogue. Serve well as lifing handles when lugging 'er up the beach as well!

Hey, is there a better cat that you can sail single handed in a blow with waves up to your armpits than a H16? With the mast raked waaaaaaay back, you can beam scream with the jib and main travelled out, holding onto the main sheet for dear life and just hold on!

Another MUST is the under-the-tramp criss-cross bungie for your traps to allow you virtually unrestricted fore and aft movement when trapped out. First year I sailed the H16, I had a bungie for each trap that tore/frayed at least twice a year. After rigging my own under-da-tramp criss-cross (like shows in catalogue) I've been 3 or 4 years with the same rigging!! Easy to do yourself and cheaper than buying. A must!!!


----------------- H16 '82 Tornado '88