
Tim's advice is obviously good (he's a pro!), especially about the editing-

Perhaps the best approach (feel free to jump in here Tim!) would be to try to find a "pro" (Perhaps even a teacher/student in a local class??- I know a friend who's in the "biz" and he had to make a video for his thesis??) who's willing to hlep and edit for/with you (on his/the school's/church's/gov./etc. editing equipment). If this is the case then that would be the person to ask which type/format of camera would be appropriate IMO. There are many "independent" video producers (at least here) looking for "projects" and you may even explore a "grant" to help fund it. If I (or my wife is a pro grant writer/editor) can help let me know-


Kirt Simmons Taipan #159, "A" cat US 48