
I'm already familiar with your web site, I think it is great and have a lot of interesting and useful information.

In fact the only reason I think the bridle foil should go is because you mentioned on your web site that the bridle foil is getting in the way of the spi line while jibing

The bridal foil on Nacras can present problems when dealing with spinnakers. One, the clew line likes to catch under the bridal foil ends when jibing. I added shock cord as in the photo below to prevent this. The clew line just slides up the shock cord, rather than sliding up the short bridal wire and catching under the edge of the foil.

Also, the clew line likes to catch between the bridal foil "upright" and the bottom jib connection. I added another shock cord from the top of the bridal foil unit, to the mast, so the line would not fall in this gap. This line needs to be somewhat loose so as not to interfere with the jib sail shape.

The question is:

Is the bridle foil there because the designer wanted a big Jib?

If yes,

Ones I reduce the sail area of the jib, the bridle foil is not necessary???

With respect to Flipping Fearless, I think that is Nacra 5.2 as well. I think it is Jake Kohl old boat so he can shine light on this mystery for us.

maybe this link can help?

Erez Ben Shoham