First I'll second everything Dave said about the gel coat etc.

About anchoring. I do a lot of it. I carry an anchor with me all the time. IMO the Fortress or the slightly less expensive Guardian is the best because of how light they are. Also with a ( I think it's 7/16 wrench) you can take it apart quickly. I use a # 7 fortress but the # 5 guardian would work. As to storing it, I have a 20' ft boat so I have a little more room on my tramp. I also have a tramp bag for all the stuff I carry. I store mine under this bag. The best way to anchor is to make a bridle of similar dimensions to the one that attaches the forestay to the hulls. 3/16 pre stretched line works good. Find the center of that line and tie a overhand knot so you create a 3-4 inch loop. To that loop I tie another line (about 25' works good around here) and the other end gets tied to the anchor. The ends of the anchor bridle get tied to the bridle attachment points at the hull. On my boat I have replaced the pins that hold the bridles at the hulls with shackles. This gives me a place to tie the anchor bridle to. On a 16 I think you have a place to tie off to already.

I have a furler so with my jib rolled I center my traveler, lightly snug my main and the boat will sit nicely. On the 16 you almost have to drop the jib to get it to behave at anchor. If your worried about the wave action working the loose rig all you have to do is take a line and tie it to your trap wires on one side and tie the other end to your shroud chain plate. This should keep the rig from slamming around. Having said that I don't leave my boat moored. I will anchor it overnight while camping.

Of course this all depends are where you sail and how deep the water is. We have fairly shallow water around here with sand bottom and no surf to deal with so what I suggested works good here.

Some good points about having an anchor on board. Depending on where you sail once the boat goes in the water you don't have to drag it up on the beach wearing the hulls, If you capsize, anchoring will hold the bows into the wind which should make it easier to right. It can also keep you from drifting into things while capsized like docks, rocks, pilings,etc.

Hope this helps, Any ?'s please ask. I can post some PIC'S of my set up if you like.

Attachment; my boat at anchor.

Attached Files
61059-IMG10.JPG (285 downloads)

Have Fun