Whow Jake, I did not know that there were gybing daggers on the Infusion. Is this the first production cat with gybing daggers?

We shared course with two infusions at the nationals in Sweden. They were the top boats to beat among the F-18s. Top crew was a former Tornado circuit sailor and sailmaker friend. Kicked our *** upwind in low wind conditions and pointed very well. I think the infusions had an advantage over the Tigers downwind in steep waves, looked like they could drive their boats harder.
Top Infusion team there compared the Capricorn (he had a Capricorn as well) with the Infusion, and liked the increased rocker and volume distribution of the Infusion better than the Capricorns.

I think we will see a new "Tiger" from Hobie soon. Even if they are just as fast, 'everybody' will percieve the Infusion, Capricorn and Blades as faster and more modern.