The date assigned to us is :

F16 Tue 5 Sep, 21:30 (GMT)

With GMT meaning Greenich Mean Time; this is the same as UTC and denotes the time zone of London England WITHOUT daylight savings time adjustment. So everybody look up your local time offset relative to UTC/GMT and be on time.

Also the true GMT time is given at the top of this page in red ! :

So you can also deduce your local time that way.

We will be team racing the world.

Maybe it is a good idea to do some training before that time, just the sort out some obvious tactics/glitches

I say lets do this on Friday 1 sept at midnight GMT ! Everybody agree ?

For more info on team makes etc look at :

We still have room for more teammembers, So Tony J. and Berny, if team Australia fails to form then you are welcome to team F16.


Last edited by Wouter; 08/30/06 04:03 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands