I wouldn't say that, this mossie would have been in reasonable condition up until a few years ago, it hasn't been sailed for years due to lack of interest, family and of course no water, it got moved to a less sheltered spot, and well you should see it up close, I think it might be able to be rescued, that might be a good project this year.
Your mainsheet, theres two options I suppose, one being rear sheeting, which basically means the entire block system runs from the rear beam to just forward of the end of boom (at the clew), some prefer this system, as I do. The other option which you might have, is centre sheeting, the majority of the block system is still at the rear, but then goes forward to another block about half way along the boom, then down to the middle of the tramp/centre beam. Its personal preference really. The main difference I suppose is when centre sheeting, you are sheeting pretty much in a straight line with your body, as opposed to rear sheeting where you are sheeting off-centre or across your body.
Matt Harper
Homebuilt Taipan 4.9