Please find below the statement of the F16GC in response of the posts above.

To all F16 sailors/members,

In a follow up to the forum issue about the F16 meeting in Zandvoort, we, as the F16 Governing Council (F16GC), think this kind of meeting needs to be held. This is so that we can set issues on paper after the internet discussion and voting. We, as F16GC, believe that you need to have a good organisational structure to run any class in a 'proper' way, otherwise it will have no focus and decision making can lack accountability. This does not mean that we want to skip the whole internet issue and the ablity to vote via the internet. When there is a ballot needed than this will be done via the internet forum, so everybody can read it and discuss it if they want. The final result of the ballot will also be available via the internet.
The F16GC class structure is not being discussed on the internet because we believe there is no value in having this discussed with everybody.
So in conclusion we can say : Class issues where the members need to give their point of view and/or a ballot is needed this will be done via the internet forum, but give us the time to make this happen, we are doing all the groundwork for the class besides our regular work.

With best regards,
Hans Klok
Chairman F16 Governing Council