We were trying to cross above the Laser windward mark as a puff hit. For a few seconds there, I thought we were going to collect each and every one of those Lasers as we bore away over 90 degrees.
Here is the actual, in the shower discussion: Laser guy: Was that you on the spin cat? Me: Ah . . . yeah? Laser guy: I thought I was done for. Me (spoken in me best drunkin British accent): Sorry 'bout that, couldn't get that rudder to bight on top of the water for some reason. Laser guy: How did you turn the boat? Me (spoken in me best drunkin British accent): donno, good spin trim and eas'ng the main traveler, probably just lucky though Laser guy: No [censored]? Me: ya. No [censored]!
something that might help the Bowtie Warrior with his problem. Remember the words of Yoda, "open your mind Luke". <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Re: Lets see the cats!!!!
[Re: ]
#114826 08/27/0702:39 PM08/27/0702:39 PM
If you want the "how to disable an Opti" manual, please contact Ryan R and his N6.0 of death.
That'll teach him to tack on to port in front of a multi on a powered up reach.
The good news is that there were no injuries or significant damage. I think that kid ended up wanting his dad to buy a multihull after that T-boning he got in Sarasota.
My first sail on the boat was about 30 min. before the start of the first race of the nationals and it was love at first touch. The last Scheurer was very pleasant to sail and the new one is a very definite step up. I weigh 90 kg and had absolutely no trouble keeping the nose out the water even in the big gusts. It has alot of bouyancy down at the waterline and tapers in towards the deck (in the bow area) I did a deliberate nose dive to the front beam and it popped out easily as soon as the rig was depowered. That sail is a Landenberger prototype on a hard Saarberg mast. A few home videos are here. www.aperturecafe.com/acat