If you had gone to the AGM at the Global challenge ...
Now it may be that the F16 website needs some updating, but this forum is not the place for this type of discussion.
AGM or no AGM, if the policy isn't publicized in writing with a follow-up web based discussion (private or open) then it is not a generally agreed F16 policy. The F16 class was not founded that way. I also believe that discussions can not be ended by refering to the AGM. Most class members can not be present there in person and as such an AGM merely acts as a tool to not have a broad discussion inside the class. As the topics (agenda) were not not publized before the AGM there was no way to prepare oneself for them or send in contributions.
The AGM is one of those archaic institutions that the F16 class during the start-up phase kept out of the class. There is a reason why no AGM or alike setup is mentioned in the F16 class rules and why this forum and the webpage are (were?). I find an AGM were everybody needs to be physically present an outdated concept in this internet age and I think one may succesfully hold the argument that it may be democratically quesionable. Otherwise one can easily maintain the argument that the holding of an AGM is not in line with the F16 class rules,
I refer to rule 2.2.1 :
The Formula 16 Class Authority will be formed by the Formula 16 General Council and appointed local representatives and related officials. Any official communication will be handled via the official Formula 16 webpage and e-mail address which at this time are ... ...
Therefor the AGM can not be considered "any official communication" because it has no generally accessible webpage based linkage like video conferencing. The F16 forum is of course part of the F16 web presence (c.q. webpage) and is at this time the only place to hold official discussions as defined by the F16 class rules.
Additionally, discussions are much improved if people have the time to research the situation and formulate a reply calmly, not to mention cool off. None of this is garanteed at a physical AGM. More then onces it will degrade into an emotional scream fest, were soft spoken contributors will not be heard at all. A web based textual environment is much superior.
I'm aware of the arguments in favour of having an AGM but sadly these are among the points on which I disagree with the current GC. I thought that I was the only one but found out differently.
I'm also saddened to report that I found a few F16 officials to be lacking in their understanding of the F16 class rules. (Two examples are given in this post). But this is no small wonder as the people involved in crafting and refining the class rules over the first 5 years were not involved in any way. Only very recently did Phill Brander become part of the GC and only as its secretary, not as an advisor/consultant on the class rules. As the creator of the F16 class rules I have had the pleasure to argue the intepretation of the F16 class rules with an official who neither sails or owns an F16, is not seriously interested in F16's and who is far more heavily involved in a rival catamaran class. I have nothing but respect for this person, but I do question whether he is the right person for the job.
With respect to the latter part of your statement.
If the website is not updated and this forum is no longer the place for discussions then were do F16 class members find the official F16 communique's and hold their discussions ?
Are we abandoning two operational institutions without providing alternatives ? What is the point in that ? Assuming for the moment that it is indeed considered wise to abandon these two F16 pilars at all.
How does this new (no ?) "communication policy", satisfy the F16 class rules ?
I specifically refer to rule 2.7.1 :
Any Formula 16 class member may propose amendments, additions or changes to the rule. They will be supported in their efforts by the Formula 16 authority with respect to communication and be given the means to propose the amendments, changes or additions to the class as a whole.
I'm failing to see this required active support by the GC.
Now with respect to "openness" of the F16 class, the 3rd pilar the F16 class was founded on. I'm sure the GC is working hard on getting the minutes of the Zandvoort AGM finished and publized. Praise there. I hope to see the minutes on the other meetings held on the future of the class as well.
With respect to Mark's comments :
I'm also sorry Wouter, but like the tail wagging the dog this public forum can never dictate to the F16 Governing Council.
I actually beg to differ here. It is rather that the F16 sailors are the F16 class and the GC is empowered to execute the wishes of the class. It is not so that the GC is the dog that commands its slavish tail to wag when it wants to and how it wants to. We are not here for the greater glory of the GC. The GC is here for the greater glory of the F16 class and that means us, the sailors !