The number 9 can not be factored in either 2's or 5's and it is not a prime number, it does however remain in the leftover series when calculating 100! and therefor your statement "-reduce all the numbers down to there prime numbers" is incorrect. Also problematic is factorizing a number like 10 to 5's; the result is 2*5 and 2 is most definately not a prime number either.
2*5 = 10 where neither 2 or 5 is a factor of 10. This is a direct counter example to your statement :"only multiplying by 10 or a factor of 10 will produce a trailing zero". The problem here is your use of the word "only"; if you had left that one out then the statement would have been truthful.
Again, like others, you have discribed a method of calculating the number of trailing zero's without proving that this method is actually producing the correct number of trailing zero's. As such you have ONLY proven the minimal amount of trailing zero's to be 24.
This is a small but very important difference in mathematics.
An example; I can show that 20 can be divided by 2 but this doesn't show that it can ONLY be devided by 2.
Interesting stuff right ? It actually factors in with alot of discussions of boat design we have on these forums. There too people "proof" stuff using simple but not "logically thorough" means, making their believes sometimes unfouded or even wrong.
One example of course being that shorter hulls are always slower and as such the F16's can never be as fast as F18's. They could "proof" this by showing that the shorter (and lighter) P16 is significantly slower then the Prindle 18 while the general layout of both designs is almost identical. This statement is in itself truthful but its extrapolation to the conclusion that therefor the smaller (and lighter) F16's must be significant slower then the very similarly designed F18's is simply wrong.
Or Bill Roberts favourite gem ; That where monohull top speeds are determined by Max Speed = 1.54 *sqrt(hull length), multihull top speeds are determined by Max Speed = 4.5 * sqrt(hull length)
You can proof the existance and validity of the first relation but not of the second even though one can show that both produce relative accurate max speeds for a range of boats (but not for the whole range of possible designs).
Showing that some results/statements are correct does not equate to proving that only they are correct or that they are always correct.
Interestingly enough the reverse is however true. A single counter example is enough to completely devalidate any given statement and as such equates as being a fully enclosed (counter) proof.
Last edited by Wouter; 01/15/0807:09 AM.
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: Wouter]
#128402 01/15/0808:07 AM01/15/0808:07 AM
I also operate in the real world now, where time is money, and Simple is usually best.
There are things in the real world like designing airplanes, rockets, medicine and nuclear or chemical reactors were getting things absolutely right is paramount and trumps any "time is money" or "simple is best" considerations.
We are talking on an internet forum, not designing airplanes, rockets, medicine and nuclear or chemical reactors.
Pff, lots of noise about nothing. For 100! just use your computer:
pepin@bombast:~ % python
Python 2.3.5 (#1, Aug 19 2006, 21:31:42)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> result = 1
>>> for i in range(1,101):
... result *= i
>>> result
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: pepin]
#128404 01/15/0809:33 AM01/15/0809:33 AM
as they are limited by 64 bits processors and memory slots.
The number 100! is substantially large then that.
So nearly all numerical software switches to floating point number presentation which shortens the number part of the storage space to at least 56 bit as the exponential needs to be stored as well.
This limit the total integer part of the floating point number to :
So the comment "just use your computer" is misleading at best.
You have to have access to a supercomputer (very large computer bus sizes) or special analytical mathematical software packages to even be able to produce the above number in all its digits.
I dare say that the vast majority of the people out there don not have access to either or even understand the need for either in this situation.
Last edited by Wouter; 01/15/0809:35 AM.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: Wouter]
#128405 01/15/0810:05 AM01/15/0810:05 AM
Isn't that the formula: B4I4Q RU/18? <img src="" alt="" />
Most definitely and I wouldn't mind seeing her 'box rule' going back to a nautical theme <img src="" alt="" />
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: Mark P]
#128408 01/15/0801:33 PM01/15/0801:33 PM
Wouter, really got something else to do this time. Besides the one thing I hated about probability theory was the balls and containers examples. For some reason that never set right with me. But I'm sure the formula n!/(k!*(n-k)!) is to found used somewhere in that problem.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
If this is fun then I'm happy being sad (I prefer playing with words rather than figures) <img src="" alt="" />
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: Mark P]
#128415 01/16/0805:37 AM01/16/0805:37 AM
as they are limited by 64 bits processors and memory slots.
The Python interpreter I used automatically switch to big integer when it becomes too big to fit in a 64 bit int. That's why I picked it, and that why that result is correct.
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: pepin]
#128416 01/16/0806:41 AM01/16/0806:41 AM
don't think this kinda "fun " will get folks flocking to join your class (this forum is the worlds window to F16 after all ) , perhaps you're trying to attrack a niche market
good luck whatever .
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: Wouter]
#128417 01/16/0806:51 AM01/16/0806:51 AM
Well, with Wouter punting, and no other expressed interest, I'll tell the answer to "how many ways are there to put N balls in M bins" to kill this thread:
Any set of balls in bins is uniquely represented by a string like "o|ooo|o|||o" where 'o' represents a ball and '|' represents a wall between bins. There are M-1 walls between bins and N balls, so these strings can be generated by starting with N+M-1 walls and choosing N to be balls.
So the answer is "N+M-1 choose N."
I first encountered this problem in a graduate level Information Theory course at Caltech, where it stumped a lot of people. It also stumped my research group at Columbia for a couple weeks before I noticed we were working on the same problem. It looks easy because "buckets" are used as sources of "balls" in basic probability problems, but the usual approaches to solving combinatorial problems problem fail on this one.
The problem looks easy, but is very hard, yet the answer is *obvious* basic combinatorics once you look at the problem the right way. That's why it's my favorite combinatorics problem.
OK, you guys answer this one, dead lock, my next boat is F16.
How does a nail, laying flat on the roadway, when driven over by ME, end up sticking straight through the tread of my tire, causing it to go flat? <img src="" alt="" />
the front tire runs over the nail. with the load running over the head and causing the head to flick the point up. a milli-second later the upright but falling nail is in just the correct position to get the back wheel.. after one revolution the back tie is nicely "nailed"..
Re: Answers to the question
[Re: pepin]
#128420 01/16/0811:03 AM01/16/0811:03 AM
That means that python switched to a whole different suit of algoritms and stores the result no longer as a number but as a string, as a word processor does with text.
Basically, it stops using the numerical unit in the microprocessor and handles calculations by (its own) software algorithms. = SLOOOOOOOOW, although with todays microprocessors, everything goes fast.
Certainly makes Python a very interesting piece of software.
Last edited by Wouter; 01/16/0811:05 AM.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands