From my Triple Threat E-Mail files are some of the pic's we took while in the race. I don't know how to do an attachment ... so I'm sorry for making you have to do it the hard way.
I know you I/20 drivers loved the "youtube" videos
FYI: The large Baltimore Clipper is: THE PRIDE OF BALTIMORE II ... and is our locale flagship of the Chesapeake Bay
If you wish to see pic's of the same fleet that will be in the NASS Race go to "" ... look at the "highlights" ... then go into the individual boat index and look for "Rudees", "Triple Threat", "Triangle", "Temple of the Wind" ... the photographers took some great pic's of the Multi's!!!!
In the Triple Threat shots take a look at the pic's of the finish ... you will see a great shot of a handsome devil (sic) holding onto the port shroud, notice the sky in the background (grey) ... then look at the pic from behind looking in the other direction.... see the color of the sky??? That was what we were looking at .... I'm going to call it "Trouble Is A-Coming!!!! It hit us just as we crossed the finish line ... we were soaked to the skin in seconds!!!
How do you like the soundtrack in in Oxford Race-Inter20 ... that was/is the actual wind ... we were doing approximently 14kts when Don Sievert charged by us ... Zaraffa was maybe 200-300yds behind us both as we had just passed her before the turning mark into the Choptank ... she was waiting for the last leg (upwind on the Tred Avon to BOUNCE !!!! and is she an upwind machine!!!!!) When we had passed Zaraffa, surfing down her HUGE stern wave, under chute we hit 21kts .... or 24mph if you preferr!!!!
FYI: the pic's I referred to above @ "" are The Governor's Cup 08' ... there are a couple of Rudee's w/ the setting sun behind that are FANTASTIC!!!!
You are semi correct .... That picture is from Triple Threat's **** on the last leg, a beat up the Tred Avon River w/ Don Sievert still leading Zaraffa ...( Zaraffa had pounced on us !!!) ... Don is approximent 1/4m from the line w/ Zaraffa 1/2m .... Donnybrook and Kirby had battled to the Finish Line w/ Kirby leading then Kirby's rudder's popping up on the last tack and Donnybrook crossing in front by INCHES!!!!
I was speaking to Donnybrook's navigater after the "Solomon's Race" in Mid July ... you could tell he considered the "beach catters" as tough fellow competors .... equals .... and had enjoyed the battle: win, lose, or draw
So Donnybrook recieved "Line Honors" but since the "Beach Cats started 10 mins AFTER the A0 boats ... Kirby actually had the fastest time and set a new course record!!!!
Zaraffa started 5 mins before us and finished 4 mins in front so we had a faster elapsed time then Zaraffa by 1 min!!!!
In that pic did you notice something???? ..... That's a mast rotator arm you see in the forground .... Triple Threat carries a +60ft Carbon Fiber Rotatable Mast!!!!
For the NASS Race this year we'll have a NEW JIB and better crew then last year ( more Beach Catters) w/ more sailing time on the boat!!!
huh? Semi correct? Let me help my semi correct-ness a little. That is not Don Sieverts N20 infront of Zaraffa. Don's N20 was already on the beach as the second in class and the third across the line. Don's N20 is also white with blue decks. The attached picture should show you the color of the N20 in front of Zaraffa at the finish. We were in a little tacking duel with Zaraffa. I remember them being on port with us double trapped on starboard and me crew looking at me and what he said "are they going to duck us?" They did, but it was a pucker moment forsure. So check the picture again, Gertie is green, a very nice green (well it grows on you), and Geronimo is white, even very white.
Incidentially, there had better be some meat balls in TAYC this year. Dinner, breakfast I don't care, just get on it.
Please just consider the above a selfish "Bump". Join us if you can, ask any question you have?
My apologizes .... I missed you going by us .... I had my head down busily grinding away on the main-traveler. What did you do? round the "Spider" mark and stay left in the shallow water? We were so focused on Zaraffa you went by w/o me realizing it. We were making TWO BIG boat handling mistakes we realized later that caused us to have "issues" tacking; first was we were not pushing the mast rotator over/through and locking it in place ... secondly this caused us to have to dump the main traveler and it would take forever to GRIND the traveler back up to center!!!! We have modified our tacking procedure w/ (2) people working the rotator and kicking it through (1/side)... this means we only drop the traveler 12" and then grind it up .... we are now much quicker tacking and axccelerating back up to speed!!! I can't say that we would beat Zaraffa to the line now ... but they will have to battle much harder and we would have been a heck of alot closer!!! (they steamrolled us like the 5:10 Express!!!) It was the first time any of us except Tim Lyons/owner had sailed/raced the boat!!!
Practice ... Practice ... Practice
We "beach catters" need too get together, you schedule the party ... I'll make the meatballs (you should try my Lasgna!!! John McL will refuse Steak and eat it instead ...)
Unforunately its the conditional of that statement.
My Crew is flying to Greece for two weeks of vacation this coming weekend. I'm going to catapalooza with my Wife since its a low-key event and I can pass her around to other boats where I don't have to take her orders :P