okay so I hear everyone talkin about this wild thing and the mild thing but I can't figure out what the he11 it is. All I got is that ya do do it while runnin wit da wind. Please explain! <br> <br>Thanks, <br> <br>Gabe<br><br>
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Re: wild thing????#1698 08/17/0109:12 AM08/17/0109:12 AM
Me too! And, also it sounds like during a "wild thing" to bring the hull down you turn more downwind. If that's the case, then how do you stop the boat (go to irons) without flipping over??? <br>Greg, H14,H16<br><br>
Re: wild thing????#1699 08/17/0111:40 AM08/17/0111:40 AM
The wild thing is a down wind technique that was developed by Tornado sailors ( I believe Booth and Forbes) before they had spinnakers. <br>The technique involves the crew trimming from the leeward hull and the skipper sitting about mid tramp. <br>The skipper heads up until the hull is flying and then sails as low as possible with the hull still out of the water. <br>The idea is that you fly a hull and sail under increased apparent wind. Doubly fast. <br>I'm not an expert but that is my take on it.<br><br>